
Sri Vraj-Mandal Dham Parikrama — 2024

Non-Indian Devotee Registration

Non- Indian Passport Holder Devotee Registration From

Non- Indian Passport Holder Devotee Registration Instruction

Sri Vraj-Mandal Dham Parikrama — 2024

Dear Devotees,

To fulfill the inner most desire of Srila Gurudev Nitya-Lila pravista om visnupad Astottarashata Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayan Gosvami Maharaj ji International Goudiya Vedanta Trust (IGVT) is organizing “Sri Vraj-Mandal Dham Parikrama — 2024″ in the auspicious month of Karthik. 

IGVT cordially invites all the devotees for this auspicious Parikrama. 

1st – 15th November

Stay at Sri Karsni Ramanreti Ashram, Govardhan

More Details

Vrinda Didi : +91 9560911958

WhatsApp: +31610939593 ( NO calls)

The Sewa charge includes only the following

  • Room with attached washroom
  • Bus charges for selected days
  • Three times/day Prasad

FAQ's About Parikrama Registration

For maintaining discipline and providing you with better sewa, we are requesting all the devotees to please choose the Sewa accurately. Please read the instructions carefully before you make registration for the desired service. For any clarification please write to parikrama@igvt.org

Parikrama will start from Friday, 1st Nov and Ends on 15th November 2024. 

At Sri Karsni Ramanreti Ashram, Govardhan

Yes, Please mention the details in remarks section of payment page.

You don’t need to worry about that please feel free to call on the support team number given below.

  1. Aadhar Card Scan Copy and Number.
  2. If you are from outside India than you need passport scan copy.

After completing your registration and payment you will get a confirmation mail and message from IGVT with a Registration Id. You can use that further reference.

Please contact registration desk once you reach for parikrama.


For any inquiries please contact

+91 80820-86715

Sripad BV Padmanabh Maharaj

Hindi, Bengali & English

+91 97762-38328

Sripad BV Bodhayan Maharaj

Hindi, Bengali & English

+91 95839-82245

Sripad Ramani Mohan Das

Hindi, Bengali & English